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7 Skincare Combos That Are The Power Couple

by Vogue Fiesta
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One of the best methods to get the most out of your skincare routine is to combine components to obtain the skin you desire. However, you shouldn’t combine any ingredients. A few components make a powerful couple when combined, but some might not get along. It’s crucial to understand what elements go well together. In this post, we’ll show you which ingredient combinations can do wonders for your skin and which you should stay away from.

Skincare combos that are the power couple

1. Vitamin C & Vitamin E

Ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, is crucial for growth and development. It aids in constructing the collagen layer of your skin. The dermal and epidermal layers of your skin contain this potent antioxidant as well. Several skin problems can be triggered by a vitamin C deficiency.

2. Glycolic Acid + Salicylic Acid

Combinations of AHAs and BHAs, or more particularly, a combination of glycolic and salicylic acids, are among the greatest skincare products to seek for. This is because these two acids work wonders as an exfoliating duo. Salicylic acid may more easily penetrate and clear up pores since glycolic acid loosens the top layer of skin. Considerably though each of these acids is well-liked on its own, using them together is even more effective, especially if you have oily or acne-prone skin.

3. Niacinamide & Salicylic Acid

The vitamin B3 family includes the important component niacinamide. Skin problems result from niacinamide deficiency. In addition to treating hyperpigmentation, it helps the skin look younger. Salicylic acid is a chemical exfoliator and a member of the beta-hydroxy acid family. A popular acne treatment is a salicylic acid.

4. Retinol & Hyaluronic acid

Vitamin E is utilized to make retinol, which is generally used to treat acne and the indications of aging. Hyaluronic acid is well known for its anti-aging properties and ability to moisturize skin. These two substances are frequently combined in the skincare sector.

5. Centella Asiatica & Vitamin C

A plant called Centella Asiatica is used to make medications. The plant is renowned for its capacity to heal wounds. Due to its abundance of antioxidants, it can also lessen the appearance of aging. Because Vitamin C and these two have comparable qualities, they work well together.

6. Retinoids + AHAs/BHAs

If you have sensitive and/or excessively dry skin, we advise against combining retinoids with products containing acids like AHAs and BHAs. Why? Well, applying retinol along with a chemical exfoliator might worsen irritation and dryness. Try exfoliating in the morning and taking the retinoid at night if you do have sensitive skin and want to use both, which we endorse. However, if your skin is not sensitive or dry, employing this combination might still improve your skin because the AHA and BHA allow the retinol to penetrate the skin more deeply.

7. Vitamin C + AHAs/BHAs

Blending vitamin C with exfoliating acids like salicylic, lactic, and glycolic acids should be done with the same care as previously mentioned. Again, we advise using one at a time or switching the days you use them for people with sensitive and dry skin. Similarly, if your skin is not dry or sensitive, utilizing this combination might still improve your skin because the AHA/BHA allows vitamin C to penetrate the skin more deeply.

Precautions before using these combos

  • Regardless of your skin type, a patch test is required before experimenting with active chemicals.
  • Make careful to look at the components before purchasing any products for skin problems.
  • Before purchasing any product with a component combination, determine your skin type. Not all ingredient combinations may be soothing to your skin. People with sensitive skin typically experience mild discomfort and irritation from several components.

Even though the aforementioned chemicals are strong on their own, when coupled with other potent ingredients, their potential is increased. Hopefully, the information in this article will help you select the ideal component combination and take advantage of the wonderful skin advantages it provides.

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