Body confidence is a person’s attitude toward their appearance. When we have body confidence we accept and are happy with, how we look and what our bodies can do.
People who are confident in their bodies don’t worry about how they look and feel free to be who they are; free to indulge in and pursue interests and activities. Their self-esteem is helped by this. Young people who have body confidence frequently have better relationships with friends and family, as well as greater self-assurance at school and when expressing their opinions.
Children and adolescents who suffer from low body confidence may be unable to participate in activities they would like to do, as well as important activities like going to school or a doctor’s appointment.

Seven easy ways to boost your self-esteem include:
1. Sort through your social media feed
You can begin doing this right away, and it’s simple to do. How much of a difference it makes to your inner voice might surprise you. First, click the unfollow button whenever you see a post that makes you feel bad about your body. Hide their posts instead if it’s someone you know in real life and can’t unfollow. You can silence your inner critic by eliminating body shaming.
After getting rid of everyone who made you feel bad about yourself, look for people who can do the opposite. Using their Instagram squares to promote body positivity, a lot of great campaigners are doing so. Look for these influencers and follow them. Your self-perception will be reprogrammed with the help of those daily reminders that you are more than your body.
2. Centre around what your body does
We often focus on how our bodies look rather than what they can do. Put aside what it appears to be; Spend some time concentrating on its amazing capabilities. Consider its speed, power, and strength. At the point when you work out, don’t contemplate the number of calories you’re consuming, rather celebrate how hard your body functioned and what it accomplished during your end up working. Think about the things your body can do instead of listing the things it can’t do. You might discover that you have a new respect for your amazing body after a few weeks of doing this.

3. Discover who you are
Your body is not you. You are a wonderful person who also happens to be pregnant. Write down everything you are on a piece of paper. Are you a kind friend, a loving mom, or a maths genius, or do you just make people laugh? Hang a list of ten things you admire about yourself and write them down somewhere you’ll see them often. You’ll feel better about yourself the more you read this list of things to like. The sooner you acknowledge that you are a wonderful person, the better.
4. Do not focus on the scale’s number
Indeed, it’s great to be sound, however, your emotional wellness is significant as well. Stop looking at the scale numbers if they are making you feel bad about yourself. You are more than those numbers, quite a lot more. Without the assistance of those scales, you can make improvements to your health. You can dance, run, and walk. You can move in ways that make you feel good without ever looking at the bad numbers.
5. Take good care of yourself
Taking care of your body is one way to affect how you feel about it. Stop treating it badly or completely forgetting about it. Treat your body as if it were a close friend. Don’t make any negative remarks about it. With words and praise, raise it. After a long day, you could take it to the spa, give it a massage, or just give it a nice, warm bubble bath. Begin being thoughtful to yourself every single day.

6. Put on a show
It’s all too easy to dress in boring clothes to cover up a body you don’t like. Open the doors to your wardrobe and select the most vibrant and fun pieces of clothing. Your body is beautiful, and it deserves to be dressed in clothes that make rooms sparkle and shine. Although it may sound absurd, how you dress can affect how you feel overall. It’s possible that dressing well will make you feel better about yourself. This is not about looking attractive; The goal is to have fun. Whatever makes you smile when you look in the mirror, don bright colors, and bold prints.
7. Perform a pose
Yes, the time has come to appear in front of the camera. I am aware that you detest photos. You don’t look your best because you’re not wearing any makeup and are dressed in shoddy clothes. It matters not. Smile as you stand in front of the camera. Participate in group photos on outings. Make sure you’re in every photo of the family. Don’t look at photographs if you don’t like them. Place a box high up in your wardrobe where they won’t disturb you. Then, when you’re old and grey, you’ll be able to look back on them and remember how young, strong, and healthy your body was once. You won’t feel bad about not being in those pictures, but you might.
Louisa Hay rightly said:” You have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens!”